Dr. Nina Dresing (Nina Gieseler)

Dr. Nina Dresing (Nina Gieseler)

Academy of Finland Research Fellow

University of Turku

About me

I am a Academy of Finland Research Fellow at the University of Turku, Finland. My research focuses on solar energetic particle events and the utilization of next-generation space missions. A key question is the role of shocks in accelerating solar energetic electrons.

  • Heliospheric physics and the generation of solar energetic particle events
  • Acceleration and transport mechanisms in space plasma environments
  • Analysis of multi-spacecraft observations
  • Title of Docent in space physics, 2023

    University of Turku, Finland

  • Dr. rer. nat. (PhD) in heliospheric physics, 2014

    University of Kiel, Germany

  • Diploma in physics, 2009

    University of Kiel, Germany


  • nina.dresing@utu.fi
  • Vesilinnantie 5, 20500 Turku, Finland
  • Enter Building ‘Quantum’ and take the stairs to Office 357 on Floor 3


Academy of Finland Research Fellow
Sep 2022 – Present Turku, Finland
Senior Research Fellow
Jan 2021 – Aug 2022 Turku, Finland
Consultant for NASA’s 2020 Senior Review
Jul 2020 – Aug 2020 Kiel, Germany
Postdoctoral Researcher
May 2016 – Dec 2020 Kiel, Germany
Grant Researcher
Mar 2016 – Apr 2016 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain
Funded through the Giner de los Rios program
Postdoctoral Researcher
Aug 2014 – Feb 2016 Kiel, Germany
Undergraduate Researcher
Feb 2009 – Jul 2014 Kiel, Germany

Research Funding

‘Investigating solar energetic particle injection into the inner heliosphere’, role: PI
The grant funds a PhD student for 9 months at University of Turku, Finland.
‘Understanding the role of shocks for solar energetic electron events with the new-generation heliospheric fleet (SHOCKSEE)’, role: PI
‘Understanding Solar Energetic Particle Physics with Next-Generation Multi-Spacecraft Observations’, role: PI
Joint South Africa-Germany Space Weather Studies During Solar Cycle 25 and Beyond (JGSA25), role: PI
Start-up grant for female postdocs, role: PI

Recent Publications


Download my CV (last updated: June 2024)

Free Time

When I am not in interplanetary space I like exploring Earth’s underwater wildlife or mountain sceneries. Feel welcome to share your recommendations for a good hike or a nice scuba diving spot with me! :)

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